
Welcome to Journey Through the Wheel of the Year!

We are so glad you are joining us for this sacred journey. During this class, we will be celebrating the pagan sabbath, or holy days, of ancient, earth-based religions. We will be honoring the traditional ways and the various and deeply rooted traditions, rituals and ceremonies passed down from the from many of our European Ancestors.

For those of Native European decent, many of our stories, legacies and earth medicines have been stripped from us, burned, buried and nearly lost over time. But it was not that long ago that our ancestors were still closely connected to the Earth and the centuries of healing practices, ritual and ceremonies of the land were alive and well. These practices were past down via the oral tradition and so it is, in that spirit, that we re-member and continue to celebrate and honor the healing legacy of the wild Irish roots. You do not have to be of European decent to join us on this journey, for all earth religions are the Peoples Medicines and teachings of the Earth are meant to be shared, borrowed, explored and expanded upon. If you have the call, in your heart, to get back to the land, worship in nature, celebrate with community and rise in spirit, then you've found the right place!

Seven Directions Prayer

We invite you to begin each section of this course with the Seven Directions Prayer.

Facing East

We call to and welcome the energy of the East, of the morning Sun, of Dawn and of the New Day, the energy of spring, and of new beginnings, the birth of babies and children, we call to the rising sun and the light that illuminates All. We invite Eagle, Hawk, Mourning Dove and the winged ones who fly closest to the heavens, and we welcome their insight and vision. We invite the energy of the snowdrops, dandelions and skunk cabbage. We welcome our well ancestors and loved ones who dwell in this direction and ask that you join us and bless our circle with the positive energies and spirits of the East. Blessed Be!

Facing South

We call to and welcome the fiery energy of the South. We invite in the heat of the noonday sun, the joy of adolescence and the place where the sun shines at its highest point in the sky. We call to the direction of love, creativity and energy and welcome the spirit of action and growth. We invite Coyote, Fox, Deer and all four-legged creatures. We invite the energy of hibiscus, holy basil and bee balm. We welcome all of our well ancestors and loved ones who dwell in this direction and ask that you join us and bless our circle with the positive energies and spirits of the South.

Facing West

We call to and welcome the energy of the West, to the healing waters, the maturity of adulthood, to the place where the veil is thinnest and to the evening and twilight energies. We call to the medicine direction and the birthplace of emotion and to the gifts of healing. We invite Owl, Otter, Salmon and all of the creatures of the sea, lakes and streams, and we welcome their medicine of flexibility, grace and flow. We invite the energy of black cohosh, angelica and blue lotus. We welcome all of our well ancestors and loved ones who dwell in this direction and ask that you join us and bless our circle with the positive energies and spirits of the West. Blessed Be!

Facing North

We call to and welcome the energy of the North, the earth that sustains us, the home of night, of the dark hour and the spirit of winter and the energy of rest and renewal. We welcome the wisdom of the Elders and ask for the blessing of the Grandmothers and Grandfathers. We invite Bear, Buffalo and Mouse and we welcome their gifts of generosity, the spirit of giveaway and the gift of story. We invite the energy of mariposa lily, witch hazel and pine. We welcome all of our well ancestors and loved ones who dwell in this direction and ask that you join us and bless our circle with the positive energies and spirits of the North. Blessed Be!

Above (looking up)

We call to and welcome the energy and to the spirits of all that is Above. Father Sky, Star people, Cloud people, Planetary beings and the entire cosmos. We welcome the divine masculine energy of the grandfathers, fathers, brothers, uncles and sons. We welcome the energies and spirits of Father Sky and Grandmother Moon. We call to the Angels, elementals, devas, plant spirits, Ether and Spider Woman who weaves us all into connection with one another. We welcome all of well our ancestors and loved ones who dwell in this direction and ask that you join us and bless our circle with the positive energies and spirits of the Above.

Blessed Be!

Below (touching the Earth)

We call to and welcome the energy of Mother Earth, the plant people, the stone and crystal people, the mycelium that holds us together and to the well spirits of all that is Below. We welcome the divine feminine energy and the spirit of our grandmothers, our mothers, sisters, aunts and daughters. We welcome the energies and creative spirits of Mother Earth as well as our guides and well ancestors. We honor and respect the reflection of all that is and give thanks to our shadow. We welcome all of our well ancestors and loved ones who dwell in this direction and ask that you join us and bless our circle with the positive energies and spirits of Below.

Blessed Be!

Within (hands at heart center)

We call to and welcome the energy of all our relations and to the place within. The one heart. One love. The union of all. We give thanks for each living being on this planet and for the ancient heartbeat that connects us. We welcome the positive, fluid, non-binary energy and the energy of the two-spirits. We invite in the universal soul energy and the spirit of the One Heart. We welcome the gifts of love, unity and compassion for all. We welcome all of our well ancestors and loved ones who dwell in this direction and ask that you join us and bless our circle with the positive energies and spirits of within.

Blessed Be!

Welcome! As a friendly reminder, by enrolling in this course you agree to terms of use which include using this educational material for your personal use only. You also agree that you will not copy these materials for any commercial purpose or public use as further outlined in the terms of use without prior written permission from Lauren "Lupo" Passero of Twin Star Herbal Education and Shakti Exchange, LLC.

Disclaimer and release of liability: information and services provided on this website, by Lauren “Lupo” Passero and by Twin Star Herbal Education and Shakti Exchange LLC are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any medical condition and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information provided on this website and during all classes, programs and trips are for educational and entertainment purposes only.

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